Friday, August 12, 2011

First week of School!

We are off to a great start! This week has been so much fun. I have loved getting to know all your little ones! They are very fast learners and they already know the routine! :)
The first day of school we worked on our "All about Me" books. It was fun learning the favorites of each child.


On Wednesday we talked about the letter A. The kids colored a letter A worksheet and enjoyed gluing on the cheerios. They also learned a little sign language to go along with our "Apple Song." (If your child has not sung it to you already...ask him/her to. It's super cute watching the kids sing it while doing the signing!) We also practiced tracing our names. The children will be doing a lot of that this year. It will help to prepare them to write on their own.

Our first Fun Friday of the year went Great! The kids were SO excited about 'show and tell.' It was fun to see the different things that they brought. They all took turns telling the class about the item they chose to bring.
Also, it was our first painting day! Some of the kids were a little unsure about this...BUT they all seemed to enjoy it. We painted apples to go along with our "apple theme."

Apple day also included the peeler/slicer/corer...thing. All the kids LOVED this. They each had a turn winding the "machine."

It turns the apple into an edible slinky! The kids even ate the skin that was peeled off!

 The kids also were able to play outside today. Something they have been asking for all week :) They didn't last too long and I don't blame them! It is still too hot outside.
At the end of 'Fun Friday' we played our "footprint candy" game. There is a different letter on each footprint and if the kids can say each letter correctly while walking on the footprints, then they get a (very small) candy at the end of the footprint trail. Of course, they wanted to play this game over and over. We were able to play a few rounds before it was time to go home.
Overall, it was a GREAT first week. I look forward to seeing everyone next week. We will be starting on our "Bug" unit.

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