Friday, January 27, 2012

Pizza Week

To start off our Pizza week we read "Curious George Makes a Pizza."
We sang a few pizza songs, one was called "silly pizza song" and we sang about all different kinds of silly toppings like cereal, ice cream and apples. The kids were laughing the entire time! We also practiced our "flour handwriting" again, this time with the letter P.

On Wednesday the kids all helped make a pretend paper pizza and at the end of class, everyone was able to take a "slice" home. They all worked very well together coloring the sauce and gluing the toppings on the pizza.

They had a great time playing 'Pizza Restaurant!' They took turns ordering pizza, making the pizza and delivering the pizza.

We also played a counting game with pepperonis.

Friday was our Pizza Party! The kids finished their "How do you make a pizza?" books and were able to take them home.
With so much practicing of making pizzas, the kids were ready to make their very own pizzas to eat. They loved it!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Being Healthy

Short Week, Short Blog!

Wednesday we talked about healthy eating and where our food comes from. (Not the store, but the ground!)

Friday we talked about the difference between healthy eating and eating junk food. We talked about how we feel when we eat a lot of healthy foods and how we feel when we eat a lot of junk food.

The kids had a fun time looking through magazines and finding different foods to glue on their papers.

Friday, January 13, 2012


This week we learned about our bodies.
On Monday we talked about all the different things are bodies can do. Run, walk, jump, etc. We talked about what our body is made of; skin, blood, bones, etc.
Here is the afternoon class creating their silly faces.

Here is the morning class making their own silly faces!

On Wednesday we learned about our 5 senses. Sight, smell, taste, hear, touch. The kids had a fun time participating in different activities while practicing their senses. We closed our eyes are listened to the different sounds we heard. We smelled different scents with our noses. (Peppermint, vanilla, lemon, cinnamon) We touched different objects with our hands and described what they felt like.

On Friday we talked about what keeps our bodies healthy. Some of the kids answers were: eating fruits and vegetables, taking a bath, exercising.
Here are a few of the kids doing push-ups.