Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This week we visited China.
The kids colored their final flag for the flag wall.
We talked about the Great Wall of China.
We learned that this year- 2012- is the year of the Dragon.
They each got a fortune cookie to eat.
The kids had a great time playing a game with chopsticks and cottonballs.
We learned about some of the things that people eat in China and the kids also learned that the people in China don't use forks or spoons to eat with.
The kids had a fun time making a chopstick craft and learning about the symbols of the Chinese.
We were even able to watch a little bit of "Mulan" during snack time.

Friday, May 11, 2012

France and Egypt

Started off this week with an "emergency substitute." Thanks to Kirsti, I was able to drive my 2 year-old down to urgent care where he received 5 stitches- and it all happened during PM class on Monday.

This week we visited France and Egypt.
While learning about France, we looked at pictures of museums, castles, cathedrals and of course, the Eiffel Tower. The kids enjoyed coloring pictures of their own Eiffel Tower and counting how many Eiffel Towers they could find in the preschool room.

On Friday we visited Egypt. We talked about pyramids and mummies, but don't worry, I didn't go into detail about that. I actually just asked if anyone knew what a mummy was. There answer was, "yes, someone who is wrapped in toilet paper." :) We also talked about King Tut and learned that he was only 10 years-old when he became king. The kids had fun decorating pyramids with different Egyptian pictures and trying to write their names using hieroglyphs.

Our wall of flags is filling up! We only have one country left to visit and then the kids will be able to take home their country flag books.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Around the World

We started our last unit of the year "around the world." We learned that there are 7 continents and many, many countries. We discussed how people are different throughout the world. We might look different, eat different foods, play different games and talk different too. The kids learned that they must have a passport to travel to a different country.
The kids loved looking at a globe and finding the different countries that we will be visiting.

On Wednesday and Friday we "visited" Mexico so the kids each got a stamp in their passport. We had a fun time learning about Mexico and the kids even learned to say 'Hello' and 'Good-bye' in Spanish. They were able to paint maracas to take home and color a picture of a pinata. We are also making a wall of flags representing each country that we will visit.
Next week we will be going to France and Egypt!!