Thursday, September 13, 2012

More Ocean Fun

Our first preschool spotlight was Jason.

On Tuesday we talked about Blue Whales. We learned that they are the largest living creature on the earth. We unwound a string that was 100 feet long so that the kids could get an idea of just how big the whales are. The kids were so far away...I could hardly see them. :)

The kids also helped to put a bunch of whales in the right order, smallest to largest.

On Wednesday we had our beach day. The kids had a great time playing in our "magic" sand. Some of them did not want to stop. One child even said, "I want to play with this forever." :)

The kids really enjoyed making their own beach out of smashed crackers for the sand, blue pudding for the water, fish crackers and an umbrella! They also enjoyed eating their beach treat.

The kids colored a beach ball out of a paper plate and made a seashell puzzle.
We also played a beach ball game. The kids took turns throwing beach balls into our beach bucket.

On Thursday, we reviewed all of the ocean animals that we have talked about. Then the kids made an Ocean Animal book to take home. We also matched ocean animals to their shadows, played our counting octopus game again and had a crab race.
The kids had a blast playing in our "ocean" tub filled with water, ocean animals and seashells.

Next week we will focus on FISH.

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