Thursday, September 20, 2012


This week our spotlight was Davin!

On Tuesday we read a story about a frog who was so hungry but just couldn't quite find the right food to eat. The kids worked on writing the letter F and they were also able to decorate a big letter F.

On Wednesday we reviewed our shapes. The kids worked on cutting, pasting, coloring and matching different fish shapes. We also played a fun shape game. Each child was wearing a shape around his/her neck. When I would say GO, the kids had to race to the chairs and find their matching shape and then sit in that chair.

Thursday was our "Rainbow Fish" day. We listened to the story and then talked about how being kind and sharing can help us to feel good inside. The kids had a good time making their own rainbow fish. They loved ripping the tissue paper to glue on the fish.

We also played 'hide and seek' with the letter F. We had many letter F's hiding in the preschool room and the kids took turns "seeking" them.

We ended the day with a matching fishing game. The kids really enjoyed fishing and trying to catch a match.

We also sang to Jason today, he will be having a birthday next week.

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