Friday, September 2, 2011

Water Week

What a FUN week we had learning all about water!
We started out by talking about what happens to water when it gets really cold and what happens to water when it gets really hot. The kids had a look at 3 different size ice cubes (green, blue and pink) and they guessed which one would melt first, second and which one would take the longest to melt. While we waited for the ice to melt, we headed over to make our bubble books. Because "how do we make bubbles?" I asked them. "Water and Soap." While making our bubble books, the kids had to name shapes, count the bubbles, and listened for rhyming words. After making our bubble books we went to check on the ice cubes and we found a rainbow! They guessed right: the green melted first, the pink second and the blue was the last one to melt.

We learned a song about Bubbles! "Bubbles Everywhere." The kids liked popping the pretend bubbles that were floating around.
The kids favorite part of the week was making bubbles with their hands. They LOVED it! :) Many of them caught on really fast with how to do it.

They also enjoyed just playing in the soapy water. :)

Wednesday we talked about who or what needs water to live. We learned that people, animals and all plants need water to survive. We also had fun guessing what objects would float in water and which would sink.

On Friday we had more fun with water. We talked about waves and how they are made. We talked about the 3 things that are part of the beach. The sand, sea shells and water. (we will be talking about the ocean animals next week.) The kids had fun making wave bottles. They were able to choose a sea shell and some glitter-sand to put into their bottles.

They had a blast playing with cups and a tub of water!

We also played a "penny drop" game. We had one large container filled with water and a little cup inside of that. The kids took turns dropping their pennies into the water. If the penny lands in the little win! No skill involved, just fun! :)
Next week we will start on our ocean animals unit.
And remember: NO school on Monday. Have a GREAT holiday weekend!

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