Friday, September 9, 2011

Short and Sweet

This week sure did go fast. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that there was no school on Monday. :)

On Wednesday we talked about which animals live in the ocean (water) and which animals live on land. The kids took turns pulling a stuffed animal out of a bag. They would tell me what animal it was and any facts or information they knew about the animal. We then decided where that animal lives. The kids would chose which pile to put their animal in: the pile for land animals or the pile for ocean animals.

Here are the kids during snack time. Perfect snack for the start of our "ocean unit?"  Goldfish crackers! :) The kids enjoyed swimming their fish all around.

Friday we learned all about dolphins for our "Dolphin Day." We learned that they love to jump and swim, that they can't breath under water and have to come up for air just like us, and that dolphins have belly buttons! The kids thought this was pretty silly.  :) The kids really enjoyed making their own ocean scene and adding a dolphin that can jump in and out of the water.

P.S.  Your kids have been doing a wonderful job of getting along. They work together cleaning up and are great at taking turns with toys during free time. :)

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