Thursday, January 10, 2013

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

First: Sorry for the big mess in the front yard this week. We had a broken water pipe and had to dig to find it.

On Tuesday we talked about our bodies.We focused on our heart, skeleton, brain and stomach. I explained that our stomach is similar to a balloon. (like a stretchy bag) The kids loved watching the balloon get bigger and bigger the more I "ate."

On Wednesday we learned about our 5 senses. The kids took turns choosing an object out of a bag and feeling it with their hands to see if they knew what it was. They also described what it felt like before they were able to see it. We also had fun smelling different scents and guessing what they were. (Lemon, soap, vanilla, peppermint and cinnamon) Along with our regular snacks, some of the kids tasted lemons. :)

On Thursday we talked more about our bodies, what our bodies can do and how we can keep them healthy. The kids had a good time singing "head, shoulders, knees and toes" and trying to sing it faster and faster.

We continue to practice our letters that we have gone over so far. The kids are getting really good at matching the upper case spoons to the lower case spoons.  :)

(sorry..have been trying to add pics and for some reason, I can't.)

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