Thursday, November 8, 2012

I is for Ice Cream

Our Spotlight this week was Staten.

On Tuesday we talked about what flavor ice cream everyone likes. Mostly chocolate and one vanilla. :) We listened and watched a fun song about a girl who dreams about ice cream. We also played a shape matching game and reviewed our colors.

On Wednesday we talked about where ice cream comes from. "the box, the store, the ice cream man..." were some of their guesses.  :)  We learned that it is made from milk.
The kids had a great time making some homemade ice cream. We filled a bag with some milk and a little sugar and then put the bag inside a container with some ice and salt. The kids loved rolling the container on the ground and shaking it.

Results... YUMMY!

The kids also took turns scooping some play dough "ice cream" into some bowls.

On Thursday was our Ice Cream Party!
We played a counting game with some felt ice cream cones. Each child was given a turn to roll the dice and count that number of scoops to put on their cone. We also had some cherries for on top.

 The kids really enjoyed making a pretend ice cream cone to take home. It was my first time using "puffy paint" (aka - shaving cream, glue and food coloring) and I think it turned out great! The kids loved smoothing out the ice cream onto the paper.

The best part of the party?? Eating ice cream! :) The kids were able to make their own ice cream sundae. Don't forget the sprinkles on top!

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