Thursday, August 23, 2012


This week we focused on caterpillars for our letter 'C' week. The kids learned all about them. I think the easiest way to teach children about caterpillars is by reading Eric Carle's book"The Very Hungry Caterpillar." After reading the story one time, I read it again, but this time the kids helped to "feed" a hungry caterpillar the correct food as I read the story. They loved watching the caterpillar get full, wrap himself in a cocoon and then turn into a beautiful butterfly!

We also played a bumblebee game similar to "hot potato." While the music is on, the kids pass around the bee. Whoever is holding the bee when the music stops, gets "stung." 

The kids worked on 'following directions' as they listened for what color to color the fruit for their hungry caterpillar books that they made. We also worked on counting as we colored each fruit: 1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries and 5 oranges.

Another painting day! The kids loved painting so much that they didn't want to stop.

The kids had a great time spraying off the bugs that were on the wall. (a little hard to see the lady bug that Tatum is spraying off, and no making fun...I am not an artist.) 

For show and tell Sydnee brought a caterpillar tunnel. The kids had so much fun crawling through it!

This week we also practiced our letters that we have gone over so far- A, B and C. The kids did a great job drawing them on the chalkboards.

Next week will be our intro to water and then we will be moving on to our ocean theme.

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