Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

On Monday we had our Valentine's Day Party! It was a lot of fun!
First, we decorated our hearts with stickers, crayons and glitter.

Then we played a fun Valentine counting game. Roll the dice then put that number of hearts in the correct cup.

Then we passed out our Valentines.

On Wednesday we played a few different color games and activities.
Each child had a number of popsicle sicks with a different color on each one. When a picture of something was shown, the kids had to hold out the correct color for that object.

The kids each had a turn picking out a color of paper and then telling us something that is that color.

Our last color activity on Wednesday was recognizing shades of colors. They each had a turn to choose a clothes pin, each with a different shade on it. Then they had to match it to the same shade of color. 

On Friday we did some more color activities.
We had colored ice cubes and picked 2 different colors to put together in a bag. Then we waited for them to melt. It was fun to see the different colors appear.

The kids were able to color with chalk outside, always fun.

The kids had a great time making our craft. We separated fruit loops by color,

then smashed them up!

Then we sprinkled the crumbs onto paper to make different pictures.


Friday, February 10, 2012


On Monday we colored our heart papers- Pink, Red, Purple.
The kids worked on their number recognition while matching up broken hearts. We had a dice that we would roll and then we had to find the 2 matching pieces of the heart for that number. One half had a number on it, the other half of the heart had the corresponding number of dots.

On Wednesday we did heart rubbings. The kids really enjoyed watching the hearts appear while coloring their paper.

Valentine's Day is getting closer so on Friday the kids made their Valentine/candy holders. They will bring them home on Monday after the party. They were able to use markers to decorate so that was exciting. We only use makers on special occasions.  :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Letter Q

This week was our letter Q week.

On Monday the kids worked on following directions while coloring their papers. Coloring is a favorite thing for the kids to do, but not being able to choose their own colors was not their favorite. But they did a great job! Capital Q- Blue, Lower case q- Yellow. (or was it the other way around??)

Wednesday we reviewed all the letters that we have worked on so far. A-P. We did some fun letter activities and games, along with some alphabet flashcards.

The kids really enjoyed finding the matching letter and picture with these cards.

Letter Factory Game.  The game piece that tells you what to do was broken (just found out that morning) so we played our own version! :)

 More matching letters and pictures.

We also had a race to see how fast we could put the ABC's in the right order.

On Friday the kids made a letter Q craft out of Q-tips! They made a few different pictures and then decided on their favorite one and glued the Q-tips on their paper. I saw a few houses, a truck, snowflakes, a birthday cake and some other creative things.